Springtime: a time full of flowers, beauty and sunny days. Sounds perfect, no? Well as much as spring comes with the opportunity to venture out into the outdoors and have a fun time, there’s also something far less charming: spring allergies.
You know the drill- sneezing fits, itchy eyes, and the dreaded hay fever. Spring allergies are so to speak, the price we have to pay for the wonderful spring weather.
So how can we beat the spring allergies? We’ve got you covered with the perfect practical guide to beat them and have a great spring. Well, the remaining part of it:)
Pollen is your enemy!!
Pollen is the number one trigger for spring allergies. We all know it. Pollen from trees, grass and weeds almost always trigger existing allergies, and are also the most common cause of hay fever. To beat spring allergies, treat pollen like it’s out to get you. Because it really is.
Here’s some spring allergies beating tips to beat the pollen:
- Close your windows- we know we know…Why close the windows when there’s a lovely spring breeze? Maybe because that breeze is a trojan horse? You can always invest in a fan if you need some fresh air. Remember the goal is to beat the pollen spring allergies triggers.
- Stay indoors- Hard right? Well, we recommend renewing your Netflix subscription, putting your foot up and enjoying your favourite show. Thank us later:)
- Face masks anyone? If you must absolutely go out, which we know you will, you can invest in a stylish face mask to keep the pollen out.
Keep Your Meds Handy
We’ve all been there—halfway through a day of spring bliss when suddenly, your nose starts twitching, your eyes start watering, and before you know it, you’ve turned into a sneezing, sniffling mess. Cue the panic: you forgot your allergy meds at home.
The key to beating spring allergies is never being without your meds. Think of your antihistamines, nasal sprays, and eye drops as your trusty sidekicks in this pollen-infested battle.
Stash allergy meds in every possible place—your bag, your car, your desk at work, and even your pockets. Don’t leave your home without them. In fact, glue them to your body if you can. You never know when a rogue gust of wind will blow a face full of pollen your way, and you’ll need to be ready.
Shower Like It’s a Sport
Think of pollen like glitter—it gets everywhere. After spending time outside, your hair and clothes are practically pollen magnets. The best way to beat spring allergies is to treat showering like an Olympic sport. Yes, we’re talking multiple showers a day if needed.
When you come home, immediately remove all your clothes. Toss them in the laundry and give yourself a congratulatory nod in the mirror for taking the first step in allergy defense.
Hop into the shower and scrub like you’re auditioning for a cleaning commercial. Your goal is to rid yourself of every last pollen particle that might be clinging to you.
Pro Tip: Keep your clothes outside your bedroom if possible. The last thing you want is to bring pollen into your sacred sleeping space, only to wake up with itchy eyes and a runny nose. Your bed should be a pollen-free zone, where you can rest in peace (and without sneezing).
Invest in an Indoor Jungle… of Fake Plants
You’ve probably heard that having plants inside is great for purifying the air, but let’s be honest—bringing more plants into your home during allergy season is like inviting the enemy to dinner. Instead, opt for fake plants, and an elegant plant stand.
Sure, they might not purify the air, but they’ll give your space that fresh spring vibe without the pollen-filled punch to the face. Plus, they require zero maintenance. Who needs real plants anyway?😜😜
Remember to dust them every now and then. There’s nothing worse than realizing your spring allergies triggers are just a buildup of dust on your flowers.
Practise the Art of Sneeze Etiquette
If there’s one thing that spring allergies will give you, it’s a PhD in sneezing. But with great sneezing power comes great responsibility. When the inevitable sneeze attack happens, make sure you’re prepared with tissues (lots of tissues) and practise good sneeze etiquette.
Pro Tip: Keep tissues in your pocket at all times. You never want to be that person who sneezes into their hands and then awkwardly looks around for a tissue while everyone else backs away slowly.
Spring allergies may be inevitable, but with a little humour and a few clever tactics, you can survive—and even thrive—during this sneezy season. Remember, you’ve got this!
Now go forth and enjoy the rest of spring—just maybe from behind closed windows.