Charging your crystals is one of the most essential steps in ensuring that it maintains its energy and effectiveness. Picture this, you’ve been working all day long, then had to go for body training. What’s the first thing you would likely do when you get home? Take a shower to feel refreshed. Cleansing and charging your crystals refreshes them too just like a shower makes you feel rejuvenated. If you’re wondering how to go about cleansing and charging your crystals, you’re in the right place. Read on to find out!
Understanding the Basics
Well, as you know, crystals are more than just beautiful stones. They produce vibrations that absorb energy, linking with energies in our bodies, and helping to improve our well-being. Over time, especially after multiple healing sessions or absorbing negative energy, they can become overwhelmed and off balance This makes them dull and less effective.
Cleansing and charging your crystals helps to remove negative energy and fills it back with the positive energy you so much need. Every type of crystal has its own energy, which affects how it is used, and how often it needs to be cleansed and charged.
Preparing to Cleanse Your Crystals
Crystals, like our bodies, show us when they need cleansing. Some of the signs you can look out for to know when to cleanse your crystals include:
- When your crystal feels heavier than normal
- When your crystals look dull
- When the crystals feel less powerful.
There are times your gut will also tell you your crystal needs cleansing., So if you feel that inner tug, go ahead and cleanse them.
Cleansing Your Crystals
There are several ways to clean and refresh your crystals. Here are some of the methods: Always check if your crystal can handle these methods before you cleanse it.
- Sunlight and Moonlight Cleansing: The sun gives strong energy that can make your crystals better. The moon, on the other hand, gives soft energy that gently cleans. You can put crystals like clear quartz, amethyst, and citrine in the sun. Just be careful with soft stones like rose quartz because they may fade in direct sunlight. To cleanse softly, place your crystals under the full moon, where they can take in its bright energy.
- Salt Water: Soaking your crystals in salt water, especially ocean water, can remove negative energies. But be careful! Some crystals, like selenite and malachite, can be damaged by water.
- Earth Cleansing: Burying your crystals in the ground helps them feel the Earth’s grounding energy. This works well for grounding crystals like black tourmaline and hematite.
- Sound Cleansing: You can use sounds from singing bowls, bells, or tuning forks. These sounds help clear stuck energy. The vibrations break up negative energies and balance your crystals. Place your crystals in the sound area. Let the sound wash over them to refresh their energy.
- Smudging: Smudging is an old practice. You burn herbs like sage, palo santo, or cedar. The smoke purifies objects and spaces. Gently pass your crystals through the smoke a few times. Imagine the smoke taking away any negative energies.
- Moonlight Bath: Use the soft power of the moon. Put your crystals on a windowsill or outside at night. The full moon is a great time for cleansing and charging crystals. It provides refreshing and balancing energy.
Charging Your Crystals
Once your crystals are clean, you can recharge them with positive energy. Charging your crystals makes their vibrations stronger, meaning they will work better, and operate at their full potential.
Ways of Charging Your Crystals
- Sunlight : Sunlight is bright and packed with energy. It is good for crystals related to strength, vitality, and manifestation. However, be careful with direct sunlight. It can change the colours of some crystals, especially the lighter ones.
- Moonlight: This is the safest method for all kinds of crystals and a great way to refresh your crystals. Put your crystals under the soft feminine energy of the full moon to bring balance and clarity to their energy.
- Crystal Grids :Crystal grids help to boost your crystal’s energy and to focus them on becoming more effective. Charging your crystals using a crystal grid will involve placing them in special shapes. By using several crystals together, you create a stronger energy field, making it easier to manifest your intention.
- Earth Energy : Harness the powerful energy of the earth in charging your crystal as the energy it releases helps in grounding and stabilizing your crystals. To use this method, simply bury your crystals in the earth, and let them connect with the powerful earth’s energy. This will help boost their vibrations.
Have questions about your crystals? Contact us today for some expert advice!