Ah, the melodious world of chakra balancing with singing bowls! A practice that has been around since the time of the ancient cereal-eaters—no, not Kellogg’s enthusiasts, but Tibetan monks and Himalayan hermits. Before you go off thinking this is another New Age fad, let me assure you, it’s absolutely not. So if you’re after a dose of harmony that might just turn your life’s discord into a symphony, then read on.
So, What’s A Chakra Anyway?
You’re an Earthling, I presume? Great, then you’ve got chakras! Surprised? Chakras are like the Wi-Fi signals of the body. Invisible but essential. They are energetic hotspots that lurk within—seven of them in Hinduism, and four in Buddhism, from the base of your spine to the top of your noggin(that’s your head for the newcomers 😜). And just like any signal, they can suffer interference, hence the need for chakra balancing with singing bowls.
Enter: The Singing Bowl
Imagine, if you will, a bowl. No, not for your morning cereal (I’m sensing a theme), but a mystical one that sings—thus, a singing bowl. The kind that when struck or circled tenderly with a mallet, hums a note that can jolly well massage your soul.
Now, shall we get to chakra balancing with singing bowls then? Got your mallet ready? Let’s strike a pose, a sound, and balance!
Step 1: Get Ready to Rumble 😜
- Find a comfy spot, devoid of yesterday’s laundry or your cat’s judgmental stare.
- Grab your yoga mat or something cozy to plonk yourself onto.
- Arrange your singing bowls. Size does matter here, as each bowl correlates to a chakra and its corresponding note.
- Here’s where you chakra balancing with singing bowls story begins!!
- Ground yourself by taking a deep breath. Imagine you’re about to give a TED talk to an audience of enlightened yogis. You’re the hero in this story after all☺️. Be sure to focus on the breathing pattern as well.
- Set your intention. Intentions are like hashtags for the soul; they signal what you want to trend internally.
Step 2: Establish Your Starting Note
- Grab your largest bowl. We’re kicking off with the root chakra. The root chakra, normally referred to as Muladhara, is located at the base of the spine, and is the energy centre of the body.
- Give it a gentle bong. Feel that? That’s the sound of Mother Earth giving you a high-five on your chakra balancing with singing bowls journey!!
- Allow the sensations of the sound to echo all around you, and imagine a red light (the root chakra colour) radiating from your spine, and becoming brighter until all blockages are cleared.
- Spend 2-3 minutes on this chakra or else you’ll find yourself levitating!
Step 3: Let’s Get The ‘Bowl’ Rollin’
Work your way up, one chakra at a time.
- The sacral chakra bowl is next. It’s responsible for your creativity and, ahem, carnal software updates. So if you get a sudden urge to, well, do something ‘creative’ 😜 go for it!! Play the second bowl for 2-3 minutes or as your intuition leads, visualizing a warm orange light covering you.
- Onward to the Solar Plexus Chakra. This chakra is your fire base so to speak. It governs your willpower, strength, ego, and vitality. Did we say fire? Absolutely!! A ding on the third singing bowl will release an E-note that will cause your confidence to soar to unimaginable heights. And you can finally leave that terrible job, or not.
Step 4: Rinse and Repeat
The chakra balancing with singing bowls journey continues.
Move your focus to each of the remaining chakras, playing each corresponding bowl, and allowing the sounds to whirl you in and balance your centre:
- Heart Chakra : You’ve arrived at the heart chakra. This centre is all about love, compassion, and your tendency to cry during rom-coms. Nudge your heart chakra bowl, to release a calming sound with green energy. Feel a swell of emotions? Well, that’s because the chakra balancing with singing bowls is actually working.
- Throat Chakra: This chakra produces a calming blue energy that causes you to easily express yourself. Let the fifth bowl sing and notice the urge to belt out a karaoke classic—“I Will Survive,” anyone? Just don’t use it as an excuse for brutal honesty!!
- Third Eye Chakra: Well, here’s where your insight and wisdom comes from. Strum the sixth bowl and squint if you must. Watch your insights fly as you strike the singing bowl to release some indigo energy. You might even suddenly figure out what to make for dinner 🙂
- Crown Chakra: And finally, get your inner consciousness up from the white energy released by the crown chakra. A ding from the smallest bowl, and your inner royalty wakes up—tiaras optional.
With each chakra, be sure to visualize as you strike the singing bowl to enhance the energy flow.
Step 5: Revel in the Reverberations
- Sit or lie back, and let the vibrations cascade over you.
Step 6: Grounding—Back to Earth Now, Astronaut
- Once you’ve worked through all seven chakras, return to the Root Chakra and strike the bowl once more to ground your energy. Take a few deep breaths, wiggle your fingers, your toes, maybe even your nose—whatever brings you back from your cosmic cruise.
Congrats! You’ve successfully completed your first episode of chakra balancing with singing bowls. Simple, right?
Wrapping Up in A Bow(l)
Chakra balancing with singing bowls isn’t your everyday Spotify playlist endeavour, but it pretty well does make life calmer. Be sure to do this regularly, and you might just turn into the most harmonized soul this side of Nirvana—not the band, though their tunes could awaken a chakra or two.
Until next time, keep striking and keep up with chakra balancing with singing bowls!!
Written by Joyce Ochieng for the CBF Store