Easter is a time of joy, celebration, and family fun. It’s the perfect time to get your kids together for some fun Easter games! From traditional egg hunts to more creative activities, there are plenty of ways to keep your children entertained and engaged during this special holiday.

Easter is a great opportunity to bond with your kids and create lasting memories. With the right games and activities, you can make sure that Easter is enjoyable for everyone in the family. Whether you’re looking for classic egg hunts or something new, we’ve got some great ideas that will make this Easter extra special for your little ones!

Glow-in-the-Dark Egg Hunt

Paint your eggs with glow-in-the-dark paint for kids' easter egg hunt
Photo credit: Pexels

Who says an egg hunt can only be done during the day? This year, try a glow-in-the-dark egg hunt. Simply purchase some glow-in-the-dark plastic eggs, fill them with treats or small toys, and hide them around your backyard or inside your house. As the sun sets, the kids can use flashlights to hunt for the glowing eggs. That’s one-up on Easter games this year!

Golden Egg Hunt

Golden eggs painted for kids easter games
Photo credit: Pexels

Create one or a few special golden eggs and hide them along with regular eggs. The child who finds the golden egg wins a special prize such as a larger toy, a gift card, or a chocolate bunny. This adds an extra level of excitement for the kids and encourages them to keep searching until they find the golden egg. You can call this, the Golden Easter game.

Egg Toss Game

Kids games for Easter
Photo credit: Pexels

Instead of a traditional egg hunt, have the kids play an egg toss game. Pair up the kids and give them a raw egg to toss back and forth to each other. After each successful toss, the pairs take a step back to increase the distance. The pair with the egg that doesn’t crack wins. What’s an Easter game without getting your hands dirty!

Bunny Hop Scavenger Hunt

Little girl hunting for easter eggs as part of kids easter games
Photo credit: Pexels

In this Easter game, the kids have to follow bunny footprints to find the eggs hidden around the yard. Create bunny footprints using chalk or cut them out of paper and stick them to the ground leading to the hiding spots. This is a fun and creative way to keep kids entertained during their egg hunt.

In conclusion, Easter games are a great way to keep kids entertained and excited during the Easter celebration. With these Easter hunting games for kids, your kids are sure to have a “hoppy” and fun-filled Easter celebration. And if you need some extra tools to keep it fun, don’t forget to check The CBF Store out for some amazing Easter deals!

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